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To thrive in today's ever evolving market environment, organizations need to tightly align their people, processes and technology with their strategic vision and goals. Once aligned, the relentless focus must be on achieving the vision.

PELBRD can help you get there by transforming the way you do business in order to generate growth, drive innovation, increase productivity, reduce costs and improve controls. You and your staff work with PELBRD consultants who have specialized skills. We focus on understanding the unique aspects of your business ─ then dedicate ourselves to bringing about the sustainable change that can elevate you operations to the next level while enhancing your competitive advantage.

Business Process Improvement



Business Process Improvement (BPI) is an approach designed to help organizations redesign their existing business operations to accomplish significant improvement in productivity. Effective BPI helps to generate promising results in operational efficiency and customer focus.

BPI aims to reduce waste and/or variation in processes to achieve the desired outcome by using existing resources in a better way.

The ultimate goal of BPI is to bring out

a drastic change in an organization’s


Because BPI implementation is a project, all

project management principles apply.

This ensures well-organized improvement

processes without any conflicts.

PELBRD Team Members have been instrumental in using BPI in a number of organizations with positive results that helped companies reduce operational costs, improve cycle time, enhance customer service and improve the quality of products and services.

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Business Analytics

Business Analytics is used to gain insights that inform business decisions. Data-driven companies treat their data as a corporate asset and leverage it for competitive advantage. Successful business analytics depends on data quality, skilled analysts who understand the technologies and the business and an organizational commitment to data-driven decision making.

PELBRD understands how to perform Business Analytics and, most importantly, how to use them to optimize business processes.

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Business Transformation
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Business Transformation is a change management strategy with the aim to align People, Process and Technology initiatives of a company more closely with its business strategy and vision. In turn, this helps to support and innovate new business strategies. For any transformation of a business or business processes, innovation is one of the key drivers. Having a strong innovative capacity within the culture of the business can be the make or break of a transformation process.

PELBRD knows how to create that innovation by identifying and tapping into the resources of the company to make the transformation lasting.

Merger/Acquisition Integration



The process of combining two or more organizations into a single organization involves several organizational systems, including assets, people, resources, tasks, and the supporting information technology. The process of combining these systems is known as 'integration'. Integration Planning is one of the most challenging areas to address pre and post-close during a merger or acquisition.

PELRRD has been involved in numerous mergers and acquisitions from pre-close to post close and led integration teams that identified synergies, made organizational changes and reduced duplicate costs.

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Project and Program Management

PELBRD tailors each engagement to fit the needs of your company. Product and Project management is more than making plans, tracking status and resolving issues – those are basic; your business needs and deserves much more. At PELBRD we focus first and foremost on driving results through understanding your business, your people and your technology. Our goal is to partner with you to successfully deliver business value to your customers.

PELBRD provides the perfect solution when you:

  • Need to integrate Program or Project Managers into your organization to rapidly begin driving results.

  • Need Product Managers to act as the intersection between business value, technology, and customer experience and work with your technical teams to manage the lifecycle of your technology products.

  • Have to accelerate, improve, or course-correct programs or projects.

  • Need to implement or formalize Program Management to drive consistency in your organization.

  • Require industry-leading Business Analysts and Functional Analysts to guide your strategic planning, roadmap development, and requirements documentation.

PELBRD understands that your success depends

on first-rate product and project management

throughout your organization. When you need

assistance, let us help you through the challenges.

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Sales Distribution
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Sales Distribution is all about getting the product or services into the hands of buyers. Direct sales forces and/or independent sales agents need to be in concert with efficiency, cost minimization and marketing strategies.  PELBRD analyzes your current Sales structure and recommends improvements to get products and services to buyers faster, at less cost with increased sales. PELBRD can help in identifying new sales channels and implementing  them effectively and quickly.

Marketing Programs/Optimization

Accurate and timely feedback of marketing program performance is critical to fine-tuning and correcting course to maximize marketing results and return on investment. PELBRD can help you address a wide range of marketing performance questions, including:

  • Are marketing programs leading customers through an adoption sequence to embrace trial and maximize usage?

  • Which aspects of the program are working as anticipated and which are not?

  • What specific barriers need to be overcome to accelerate program performance?

  • How do the issues vary by customer type, region or sales team?

  • What internal and customer-facing tactics will most cost-effectively address barriers?

  • What marketing ROI is being achieved?

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Strategic Planning

"Any road will get you there if you don't know where you're going." Strategic Planning identifies and clarifies  

the destination and then lays out the road map to get there.

PELBRD provides SWOT analysis in

conjunction with the organization's

goals, identifies gaps and builds

strategic plans to execute and

implement to reach the desired goals.

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Organizational Development

Organizational Development utilizes what we know about systems, and human behavior, to plan and manage the development of organizations into thriving, growing, healthy, organic human systems that meet the needs of all the stakeholders.

PELBRD Services Include:

Change Management

People and organizations are constantly going through change. Change can be another word for growth – and continuous growth is key to success. If you and your organization are not growing, you will not gain the success you are looking for. PELBRD provides understanding and support processes to improve an organization's ability to implement change in healthy and complimentary ways.


People and organizations likely have the  answers. PELBRD provides the processes that help them become aware of those answers, and develop action plans that help them get where they want to go.

Conflict Management

Differences are healthy and necessary for personal and organizational growth – but only if they are worked through to resolution. PELBRD helps to view differences not merely as problems to be solved, but rather, as the path to success


Cross-Cultural Understanding

Today's global business requires that people understand other cultures and act with awareness and appreciation of differences. This also means that a person needs to understand his own culture and its effects on people of other cultures. We heighten self-awareness, and awareness of one's own culture and the cultures of others. The PELBRD Team has experience in working internationally and bring that experience to your organization.

Facilitation and Group Meeting Design

Sometimes people and organizations are too close to the problem to see the answers. PELBRD provides processes that facilitate taking a clearer, more objective view to problem solving while mapping the implementation of the resolutions.

Interpersonal Skills Training

In today's collaborative work environments people need to learn to work together. PELBRD provides custom workshops that increase people's interpersonal competencies.

Management and Leadership Development

Leadership is a set of skills that can be taught. All managers have a leadership role.  PELBRD provides assessments for determining their current skills and approach, coaching to help them identify actions they can take to improve those skills and learn new ones.

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